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1- Desjeux, P., Le Pont, F., Mollinedo, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 1986. Les Leishmania de Bolivie. I. Leishmania brasiliensis brasiliensis Vianna, 1911 dans les départements de La Paz et du Beni. Premiers isolements de souches d’origine humaine. Caractérisation isoenzymatique. Leishmania. Taxonomie et phylogénèse. Applications éco-épidémiologiques (Colloques Int. CNRS/INSERM, 1984). IMEEE, Montpellier: 401-410.


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16- Tibayrenc, M., Barnabé, C. and Telleria, J. 2010. Reticulate Evolution in Trypanosoma cruzi: Medical and Epidemiological Implications. In: American trypanosomiasis: Chagas disease. One hundred years of research. Elsevier Insights. Telleria, J. and Tibayrenc, M. eds.


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25- Tibayrenc, M. & Shaw, M.A. 2017. Integrated genetic epidemiology of Chagas disease. In: Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases. Elsevier/Academic press. Tibayrenc, M. ed. 2nd edition.


26- Tibayrenc, M. 2019. Clone is beautiful. In: Bermejo, D. (Ed.). Passion for Life – Pasión por la Vida. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. 


27- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2020. Introduction: Human nature: a hot spot for storytelling, fake news, and speculation. In ‘’what makes us humans‘’ (Michel Tibayrenc and Francisco Ayala, eds.) Nova Science publ.


28- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2020. Origins of mankind: human lineages and archaic adaptive introgression. In ‘’what makes us humans‘’ (Michel Tibayrenc and Francisco Ayala, eds.) Nova Science publ.


29- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2020. Human diversity: taxonomical and medical implications. In ‘’what makes us humans‘’ (Michel Tibayrenc and Francisco Ayala, eds.) Nova Science publ.


30- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2020. Darwinian medicine: reinventing the wheel? In ‘’what makes us humans‘’ (Michel Tibayrenc and Francisco Ayala, eds.) Nova Science publ.


31- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2020. Brain genes, cognition, psychiatry, and genetics. In ‘’what makes us humans‘’ (Michel Tibayrenc and Francisco Ayala, eds.) Nova Science publ.


32- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2020. Scientific and ethical views on discriminative thoughts: science and politics. In ‘’what makes us humans‘’ (Michel Tibayrenc and Francisco Ayala, eds.) Nova Science publ.


33- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2020. Science and Religion: Is the Dialogue Possible? In ‘’what makes us humans‘’ (Michel Tibayrenc and Francisco Ayala, eds.) Nova Science publ.


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