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  • micheltibayrenc

Genomics and high-resolution typing confirm predominant clonal evolution

Dernière mise à jour : 20 mai 2020

Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2020 - Genomics and high-resolution typing confirm predominant clonal evolution down to a microevolutionary scale in Trypanosoma cruzi.

Abstract: Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease, is a paradigmatic case of the predominant clonal evolution (PCE) model, which states that the impact of genetic recombination in pathogens’ natural populations is not sufficient to suppress a persistent phylogenetic signal at all evolutionary scales. In spite of indications for occasional recombination and meiosis, recent genomics and high- resolution typing data in T. cruzi reject the counterproposal that PCE does not operate at lower evolutionary scales, within the evolutionary units (=near-clades) that subdivide the species. Evolutionary patterns in the agent of Chagas disease at micro- and macroevolutionary scales are strikingly similar (“Russian doll pattern”), suggesting gradual, rather than saltatory evolution. Download full article

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