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Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases

Michel Tibayrenc, MD, PhD (Editor)


3rd Edition - July 1, 2024

Editor: Michel Tibayrenc

Language: English


Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases, Third Edition discusses the evolving field of infectious diseases and their continued impact on the health of populations, especially in resource-limited areas of the world where they must confront the dual burden of death and disability due to infectious and chronic illnesses. Although substantial gains have been made in public health interventions for the treatment, prevention, and control of infectious diseases, in recent decades the world has witnessed the emergence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing antimicrobial resistance, and the emergence of many new bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral pathogens.


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Notre humaine nature
Un voyage dans ce qui fait de nous des humains

Michel Tibayrenc, MD, PhD (Author)
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD; France)


Francisco J. Ayala, PhD (Editor)
Catedra Francisco Jose Ayala of Science, Technology, and Religion, University of Comillas, Madrid, Spain


Parution : Mai 2022 

Editions : Rue de Seine

Nombre de pages : 350 

ISBN : 978-2493270153 

Diffusion/Distribution : Dilisco 


 Nos connaissances sur la biologie humaine connaissent un développement foisonnant. Les progrès en génomique, épigénétique, neurobiologique, évolution humaine, génétique des populations, et préhistoire sont de nos jours extrêmement rapides. Malheureusement, peu de passerelles ont été lancées entre, d’une part, ces disciplines, d’autre part, les sciences humaines. Or, la connaissance sur la nature humaine et sur ce qui fait spécifiquement de nous des humains exige des collaborations étroites entre sciences biologiques et humaines. 


Un des buts spécifiques de l’ouvrage est de faire le tri, dans notre connaissance de la nature humaine, entre ce qui est : robuste et fiable ; encore spéculatif ; manifestement fallacieux ; parfois à dessein ; ou à rejeter définitivement. 



Lo que nos Hace Humanos
Biología, Medicina, Lenguaje, Mente, Etica y Religión

Michel Tibayrenc, MD, PhD (Author)
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD; France)


Francisco J. Ayala, PhD (Editor)
Catedra Francisco Jose Ayala of Science, Technology, and Religion, University of Comillas, Madrid, Spain


Año de edición: 2021
Editorial: SAL TERRAE

Nº de páginas: 312

Idioma: Castellano


¿Qué nos hace verdaderamente humanos? ¿Qué es lo que nos une? Vivimos un momento de florecimiento de las ciencias biológicas que nos permite acceder a una inmensidad de respuestas sobre nuestra naturaleza física. Y sin embargo, todo el conocimiento sobre lo que nos hace específicamente humanos, se queda corto sin las aportaciones de otros grandes campos o saberes, la medicina y las ciencias humanas. Este libro quiere ofrecer un examen, lo más completo posible, de importantes debates sociales de nuestra época, como, por ejemplo, el origen de la humanidad, la diversidad genética humana, la biología de la cognición, la actitud de la ciencia ante las ideologías intolerantes, la relación entre ciencia y religión en general y entre ciencia y creacionismo (o diseño inteligente) en particular.


what makes us humans michel tibayrenc

What Makes us Humans

Human Evolution, Biological and Cultural Domains

Michel Tibayrenc, MD, PhD (Author)
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD; France)


Francisco J. Ayala, PhD (Editor)
Catedra Francisco Jose Ayala of Science, Technology, and Religion, University of Comillas, Madrid, Spain


Publication Date: January 2020
Nova Publishing
313 pages - Hard cover


The knowledge on human biology is blooming. Progresses in genomics, epigenetics, neurobiology, human evolution, population genetics, and prehistory is extremely fast presently. However, few bridges have been launched between these fields on one hand, and human sciences (ethics, politics, psychoanalysis, philosophy) on the other hand. Now knowledge on human nature and on what makes us specifically humans do need tight collaborations between biological and human sciences.


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On Human Nature

Biology, Psychology, Ethics, Politics, and Religion

Editors: Michel Tibayrenc, Francisco J. Ayala


Elsevier Publishing

Published Date: September 2016

814 pages


On Human Nature: Biology, Psychology, Ethics, Politics, and Religion covers the present state of knowledge on human diversity and its adaptative significance through a broad and eclectic selection of representative chapters. This transdisciplinary work brings together specialists from various fields who rarely interact, including geneticists, evolutionists, physicians, ethologists, psychoanalysts, anthropologists, sociologists, theologians, historians, linguists, and philosophers.



American Trypanosomiasis

Chagas Disease, One hundred years of research (Second edition)

Editors: Jenny Telleria Michel Tibayrenc


Publication Date: February 2017
Elsevier Publishing
844 pages


American Trypanosomiasis, Chagas Disease: One Hundred Years of Research, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive overview of Chagas disease and discusses the latest discoveries concerning the three elements that compose the transmission chain of the disease, the host, the insect vectors, and the causative parasite.


In addition, new insights on the molecular biology and diagnostics of Chagas diseases, the persistence of infections in the host, and the interaction of the parasite and host metabolism are now included in this new and updated edition.


Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (Second edition)

Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases

(Second edition)

Editors: Michel Tibayrenc


Publication Date: February 2017
Elsevier Publishing
686 pages


Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases, Second Edition, discusses the constantly evolving field of infectious diseases and their continued impact on the health of populations, especially in resource-limited areas of the world. Students in public health, biomedical professionals, clinicians, public health practitioners, and decisions-makers will find valuable information in this book that is relevant to the control and prevention of neglected and emerging worldwide diseases that are a major cause of global morbidity, disability, and mortality.



Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases

(First edition)

Editors: Michel Tibayrenc


Publication Date: December 2010
Elsevier Publishing
772 pages


Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases is at the crossroads between two major scientific fields of the 21st century: evolutionary biology and infectious diseases. The genomic revolution has upset modern biology and has revolutionised our approach to ancient disciplines such as evolutionary studies. In particular, this revolution is profoundly changing our view on genetically driven human phenotypic diversity, and this is especially true in disease genetic susceptibility. Infectious diseases are indisputably the major challenge of medicine. When looking globally, they are the number one killer of humans and therefore the main selective pressure exerted on our species. Even in industrial countries, infectious diseases are now far less under control than 20 years ago.

American Trypanosomiasis Chagas Disease, One hundred years of research (First edition)

American Trypanosomiasis

Chagas Disease, One hundred years of research (First edition)

Editors: Jenny Telleria Michel Tibayrenc


Publication Date: September 2010
Elsevier Publishing
870 pages


Chagas disease causes severe socioeconomic impact and a high medical cost in Latin America. WHO and the World Bank consider Chagas disease as the fourth most transmittable disease to have a major impact on public health in Latin America: 120 million persons are potentially exposed, 16 to 18 million of whom are presently infected, causing 45,000 to 50,000 deaths per year. It has been calculated that approximately 2.4 million potential working years are lost because of incapacity and mortality due to the disease, for an annual cost estimated at 20 billion Euros. American Trypanosomiasis provides a comprehensive overview of Chagas disease and discusses the latest discoveries concerning the three elements that compose the transmission chain of the disease.


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Encyclopedia of

Infectious Diseases

Modern Methodologies

Editor: Michel Tibayrenc


John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publishing

Published Date: August 2006

747 pages


Discover how the application of novel multidisciplinary, integrative approaches and technologies are dramatically changing our understanding of the pathogenesis of infectious diseases and their treatments. Each article presents the state of the science, with a strong emphasis on new and emerging medical applications.

The Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases is organized into five parts. The first part examines current threats such as AIDS, malaria, SARS, and influenza. The second part addresses the evolution of pathogens and the relationship between human genetic diversity and the spread of infectious diseases. The next two parts highlight the most promising uses of molecular identification, vector control, satellite detection, surveillance, modeling, and high-throughput technologies. The final part explores specialized topics of current concern, including bioterrorism, world market and infectious diseases, and antibiotics for public health.


Karaté et Santé

Karaté et Santé

Author: Michel Tibayrenc


Editions Amphora sports Paris, France

Published Date: 1977

125 pages


Medical and physiological bases of training.


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