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1- Bain, O., Tibayrenc, M. & Mak, J.W. 1979.  Deux espèces de Breinlia (Filarioidea) chez un écureuil en Malaisie. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. nat. Paris, 4 (1): 191-197.


2- Tibayrenc, M., Bain, O. &  Ramachandran, C.P. 1979. Deux nouvelles Litomosa (Filarioidea) de chauve-souris. Bull. Nat. Hist. nat. Paris, 4 (1): 183-189.


3- Tibayrenc, M. 1979. Les isoenzymes et l’Entomologie médicale. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 17 (4): 249-256.




4- Tibayrenc, M. 1980. Application of the calculations of genetic distances for Flagellate Systematics. Cah. ORSTOM. sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 18 (3): 301-302.


5- Tibayrenc, M. 1980. Note préliminaire sur les isoenzymes de Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae), vecteur majeur de la maladie de Chagas en Amérique latine. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 18 (1): 71-73   


6- Tibayrenc, M., Cariou, M.L., Corneau, B. & Pajot, F.X. 1980. Etude allozymique chez Lutzomyia umbratilis, vecteur de la leishmaniose en Guyane française. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 18 (1): 67-70.




7- Tibayrenc, M., Brénière, F., Echalar, L. & Carlier, Y. 1981. Données isoenzymatiques pour onze souches boliviennes de Trypanosoma cruzi. Interprétation génétique et calcul de distances. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 19 (2): 129-134.


8- Tibayrenc, M., Cariou, M.L. & Solignac, M. 1981. Interprétation génétique des zymogrammes de flagellés des genres Trypanosoma  et Leishmania. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 292: 623-625.


9- Tibayrenc, M., Cariou, M.L., Solignac, M. & Carlier, Y. 1981. Arguments génétiques contre l’existence d’une sexualité actuelle chez Trypanosoma cruzi; implications taxinomiques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 293: 207-209.


10- Tibayrenc, M., Echalar, L. & Carlier, Y. 1981. Comparaison isoenzymatique de deux populations boliviennes (altitude et plaine) de Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera Reduviidae). Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 19 (2): 125-127.


11- Tibayrenc, M., Echalar, L. & Carlier, Y. 1981. Données de génétique formelle pour six loci isoenzymatiques chez Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae). Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 19 (2): 121-123.




12- Tibayrenc, M. 1982. Considérations sur les propriétés immunologiques des enzymes de parasites (en particulier Trypanosoma cruzi) et sur leurs applications possibles. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 20 (4): 319-320.


13- Tibayrenc, M., Echalar, L. & Desjeux, P. 1982. Une méthode simple pour obtenir directement des isolats de Trypanosoma cruzi à partir du tube digestif de l’insecte vecteur. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 20 (3): 187-188.




14- Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M. & Dujardin, J.P. 1983. Trypanosoma cruzi: a pharmacological comparison of some Bolivian isoenzymic strains. Ann. Soc. belge. Méd. trop., 63: 319-324.


15- Brénière, F. & Tibayrenc, M. 1983. Activité Glutamate déshydrogénase Nadp d’une fraction antigénique immunogénique de Trypanosoma cruzi.  Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. parasitol., 21 (1): 53-55.


16- Lemesre, J.L. & Tibayrenc, M. 1983. Trypanosoma cruzi: measurement of DNA quantity in different isoenzymic strains. Inferences on the ploidy of these strains. Ann. Soc. belge. Méd. trop., 663: 313-317.


17- Tibayrenc, M., Echalar, L., Brénière, F., Lemesre, J.L., Barnabé, C. & Desjeux, P. 1983. Sur le statut taxonomique et médical des souches isoenzymatiques de Trypanosoma cruzi. Considérations sur la valeur taxonomique et immunogénique des différentes isoenzymes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 296: 721-726.


18- Tibayrenc, M., Echalar, L., Le Pont, F. & Desjeux, P. 1983. Présence en Bolivie de sept nouveaux variants isoenzymatiques de Trypanosoma cruzi. Considérations taxonomiques et épidémiologiques. Discussion sur la valeur antigénique potentielle de certaines isoenzymes. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 21 (1): 35-45.


19- Tibayrenc, M. & Desjeux, P. 1983. The presence in Bolivia of two distinct zymodemes of Trypanosoma cruzi, circulating sympatrically in a domestic transmission cycle. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. med. Hyg, 77 (1): 73-75.


20- Tibayrenc, M. & Miles, M.A. 1983. A genetic comparison between Bolivian and Brazilian zymodemes of Trypanosoma cruzi. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 77 (1): 76-83.





21- Brénière, F., Poch, O., Selaès, H., Tibayrenc, M., Lemesre, J.L., Antezana, G. & Desjeux, P. 1984. Specific humoral depression in chronic patients infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Rev. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo, 26 (5): 254-258.


22- Tibayrenc, M., Echalar, L., Dujardin, J.P., Poch, O. & Desjeux, P. 1984. The microdistribution of isoenzymic strains of Trypanosoma cruzi in Southern Bolivia. New isoenzyme profiles and further arguments against Mendelian sexuality. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 78: 519-525.


23- Tibayrenc, M. & Le Ray, D. 1984. General classification of the isoenzymic strains of Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi and comparison with T.(S.) c. marenkellei and T.(Herpetosoma) rangeli. Ann. Soc. belge Méd. trop., 64 (3): 239-248. 


24- Tibayrenc, M., Solignac, M., Cariou, M.L. Le Ray, D. & Desjeux, P. 1984. Les souches isoenzymatiques de Trypanosoma cruzi: origine récente ou ancienne, homogène ou hétérogène? C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 299: 195-198.




25- Brenière, S.F., LLanos, B., Tibayrenc, M. & Desjeux, P. 1985. Isoenzymic studies and epidemiological data of Trypanosoma cruzi from Arequipa (Peru), Pacific side. Ann. Soc. belge méd. trop. 65 (suppl.1): 63-66.


26- Brenière, S.F., Tibayrenc, M., Antezana, G., Pabon, J., Carrasco, R., Selaès, H. & Desjeux, P. 1985. Résultats préliminaires en faveur d’une relation faible ou inexistante entre les formes cliniques de la maladie de Chagas et les souches isoenzymatiques de Trypanosoma cruzi. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris., 300 (15): 555-558.


27- Dédet, J.P., Chippeaux, J.P., Goyot, P., Pajot, F.X., Tibayrenc, M., Geoffroy, B. & Gosselin, H. 1985. Les hôtes naturels de la maladie de Chagas en Guyane française. Endémicité élevée de Trypanosoma cruzi zymodème I chez les marsupiaux sauvages. Ann. Parasitol. hum. comp., 60 (2): 111-117.


28- Dujardin, J.P. & Tibayrenc, M. 1985. Etude de 11 enzymes et données de génétique formelle pour 19 loci isoenzymatiques chez Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Rediviidae). Ann. Soc. belge Méd. Trop. 65: 271-280.


29- Dujardin, J.P. & Tibayrenc, M. 1985. Etudes isoenzymatiques du vecteur principal de la maladie de Chagas, Triatoma infestans,  Ann. Soc. belge Méd. trop. 65 (suppl.1): 165-169.


30- Le Pont, F., Caillard, T., Tibayrenc, M. & Desjeux, P. 1985. Distinction par les isoenzymes entre deux espèces cryptiques au sein du taxon Psychodopygus carrerai (Diptera, Psychodidae). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 300 (13): 479-482.


31- Theis, J., Tibayrenc, M., Ault, S. & Mason, D.T. 1985. Agent of Chagas’ disease from Honduran vector capable of developing in California Cone Nose Bugs. Implications for cardiologists. Amer. Heart J., 110: 605-608.


32- Tibayrenc, M. 1985. La Maladie de Chagas en Bolivie: données préliminaires sur les cycles domestiques; méthodes simplifiées pour captures de triatomes. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol. 22 (1): 51-53.


33- Tibayrenc, M. 1985. On the microdistribution and sexuality of Trypanosoma cruzi. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 79: 882-883.


34- Tibayrenc, M., Brénière, S.F., Barnabé, C., Lemesre, J.L., Echalar, L. & Desjeux, P. 1985. Isozymic variability of Trypanosoma cruzi: biological and epidemiological significance. Ann. Soc. belge Méd. trop. 65 (suppl.1): 59-61.


35- Tibayrenc, M., Cariou, M.L., Solignac, M., Dédet, J.P., Poch, O. & Desjeux, P. 1985. New electrophoretic evidence of genetic variation and diploidy in Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas’disease. Genetica. 67 (3): 223-230.


36- Tibayrenc, M. & Le Pont, F. 1985. Etude isoenzymatique d’isolats boliviens de Trypanosoma cruzi pratiqués chez Rhodnius pictipes; données préliminaires sur la transmission de la maladie de Chagas dans l’Alto Beni bolivien. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol. 22 (1): 55-57.




37- Bonnefoy, S., Tibayrenc, M., Le Pont, F., Dujardin, J.P., Desjeux, P. & Ayala, F.J. 1986. An isozymic study of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera, Psychodidae), the vector of visceral leishmaniasis in the “Yungas” (Bolivia). Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. méd. Parasitol., 24: 213-219.


38- Caillard, T., Tibayrenc, M., Le Pont, F., Dujardin, J.P., Desjeux, P. & Ayala, F.J. 1986. Diagnosis by isozyme methods of two cryptic species, possible Leishmaniasis carriers, within the taxon Psychodopygus carrerai (Barretto 1946) (Diptera, Psychodidae). J. Med. Ent. 23 (5): 489-492.


39- Le Pont, F., Caillard, T., Tibayrenc, M. & Desjeux, P. 1986. Bolivian Phlebotomines III. Psychodopygus yucumensis n.sp., a new man-bitting Phlebotomine sandfly from the Subandine region (Diptera, Psychodidae). Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz. 81: 79-85.


40- Tibayrenc, M., Hoffmann, A., Poch, O., Echalar, L., Le Pont, F., Lemesre, J.L., Desjeux, P. & Ayala, F.J. 1986. Additional data on Trypanosoma cruzi isoenzymic strains encountered in Bolivian domestic transmission cycles. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 80: 442-447.


41- Tibayrenc, M., Ward, P., Moya, A. & Ayala, F.J. 1986. Natural populations of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas’disease, have a complex multiclonal structure. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 83: 115-119.




42- Dujardin, J.P., Tibayrenc, M., Venegas, E., Maldonado, L., Desjeux, P. & Ayala, F.J. 1987. Isozyme evidence of lack of speciation between wild and domestic Triatoma infestans (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in Bolivia. J. Med. Entomol. 24: 41-47.


43- Theis, J.H., Tibayrenc, M., Mason, D.T. & Ault, S.K.  1987. Exotic stock of Trypanosoma cruzi (Schizotrypanum) capable of development in and transmission by Triatoma protracta protracta from California. Public health implications. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 36: 523-528.


44- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 1987. Forte corrélation entre classification isoenzymatique et variabilité de l’ADN kinétoplastique chez Trypanosoma cruzi.  C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 304: 89-93.


45-  Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 1987. Trypanosoma cruzi populations: more clonal than sexual. Parasitology Today, 3: 189-190.




46- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 1988. Isozyme variability of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas’ disease: genetical, taxonomical and epidemiological significance. Evolution. 42 (2): 277-292.


47- Tibayrenc, M. & Brenière, S.F. 1988. Trypanosoma cruzi: major clones rather than principal zymodemes. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio De Janeiro, Suppl.1 83: 249-255.


48- Zhang, Q., Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J.  1988. Linkage disequilibrium in natural populations of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas’ disease. J. Protozool. 35 (1): 81-85.





49- Brenière, S.F., Carrasco, R., Antezana, G., Desjeux, P. & Tibayrenc, M. 1989. Association between Trypanosoma cruzi  zymodemes and specific humoral depression in chronic chagasic patients. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 83: 517.


50- Brenière, S.F., Carrasco, R., Revollo, S., Aparicio, G., Desjeux, P. & Tibayrenc, M. 1989. Chagas’disease in Bolivia: clinical and epidemiological features and zymodeme variability of Trypanosoma cruzi  strains isolated from patients. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg:  41 (5): 521-529.





51- Tibayrenc, M., Kjellberg, F. & Ayala, F.J. 1990. A clonal theory of parasitic protozoa: the population structure of Entamoeba, Giardia, Leishmania, Naegleria, Plasmodium, Trichomonas and Trypanosoma , and its medical and taxonomical consequences. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA : 87: 2414-2418.


52- Veas, F., Cuny, G., Brenière, S.F. & Tibayrenc, M. 1990. Subspecific kDNA probes for major clones of Trypanosoma cruzi.  Acta Tropica: 48 (1): 79-82.




53- Authie, E., Cuisance, D., Force-Barge, P., Frézil, J.L., Gouteux, J.P., Jannin, J., Lancien, J., Laveissière, C., Lemesre, J.L., Mathieu-Daudé, F., Nitcheman, S., Noireau, F.,Penchenier, L., Tibayrenc, M. & Truc, P. 1991. Some new prospects in epidemiology and fight against human African trypanosomiasis. Research and Reviews in Parasitology, 51 (1-4): 29-46.


54- Brenière, S.F., Araniki, I., Le Ray, D. & Tibayrenc, M. 1991. L’analyse SDS-PAGE des protéines et antigènes de surface révèle une forte hétérogénéité chez les clones naturels de Trypanosoma cruzi, corrélée à la variabilité isoenzymatique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 312: 449-454.


55- Brenière, S.F., Braquemond, P., Solari, A., Agnèse, J.F. & Tibayrenc, M. 1991. An isoenzyme study of Trypanosoma cruzi natural clones isolated from the two sides of the West Andes Highland. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg.: 85: 62-66.


56- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 1991. Towards a population genetics of microorganisms: the clonal theory of parasitic protozoa. Parasitol. Today: 7 (9): 228-232.


57- Tibayrenc, M., Kjellberg, F., Arnaud, J., Oury, B., Brenière, S.F., Dardé, M.L. & Ayala, F.J. 1991. Are eukaryotic microorganisms clonal or sexual? A population genetics vantage. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA: 88: 5129-5133.


58- Tibayrenc, M., Kjellberg, F. & Ayala, F.J. 1991. The clonal theory of parasitic protozoa: a taxonomic proposal applicable to other clonal organisms. Bioscience: 41 (11): 767-774.


59- Truc, P., Mathieu-Daudé, F. & Tibayrenc, M. 1991. Multilocus isozyme labelling of Trypanosoma brucei s.l. stocks isolated in Central Africa: evidence for an animal reservoir of sleeping sickness in Congo. Acta tropica  49: 127-135.


60- Veas, F., Brenière, S.F., Cuny, G., Brengues, C., Solari, A. & Tibayrenc, M. 1991. General procedure to construct highly specific kDNA probes for clones of Trypanosoma cruzi for sensitive detection by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Cel. Molec. Biol. 37 (1): 73-84.





61- Brenière, S.F., Bosseno, M.F., Revollo, S., Rivera, M.T. & Tibayrenc, M. 1992. Direct identification of Trypanosoma cruzi natural clones in vectors and host blood by PCR technique. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg.: 46 (3): 335-341.


62- Guerrini, F.,  C. Segur, C., Gargani, D., Tibayrenc, M. & Dollet, M. 1992. An isozyme analysis of the genus Phytomonas: genetical, taxonomical and epidemiological significance. J. Protozool., 39 (4): 516-521.


63- Solari, A., Muñoz, S., Venegas, J., Wallace, A., Aguilera, X., Apt, W., Brenière, S.F. & Tibayrenc, M. 1992. Characterization of Chilean, Bolivian, and Argentinian Trypanosoma cruzi populations by restriction endonuclease and isoenzyme analysis. Exp. Parasitol., 75 (2): 187-195.





64- Brenière, S., Bosseno, M.F., Barnabé, C., Urdaneta-Moralès, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 1993. Population genetics of Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli: taxonomical and epidemiological purposes. Biol. Res, 26: 27-33.


65- Brenière, S.F., Bosseno, M.F., Barnabé, C., Urdaneta-Moralès, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 1993. Copy number differences in the 195 bp repeated satellite DNA from Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli: potential use for epidemiogical surveys. Mem. Inst. oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, 88 (1): 163-165.


66- Pujol, C., Reynes, J., Renaud, F., Raymond, M., Tibayrenc, M., Ayala, F.J., Janbon, F., Mallié, M. & Bastide, J.M. 1993. The yeast Candida albicans has a clonal mode of reproduction in a population of infected HIV patients. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA: 90: 9456-9459.


67- Tibayrenc, M. 1993. Entameba, Giardia and Toxoplasma: clones or cryptic species? Parasitol. Today: 9 (3): 102-105.


68- Tibayrenc, M., Neubauer, K., Barnabé, C., Guerrini, F., Sarkeski, D. & Ayala, F.J. 1993. Genetic characterization of six parasitic protozoa: parity of random-primer DNA typing and multilocus isoenzyme electrophoresis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90: 1335-1339.


69- Truc, P. & Tibayrenc, M. 1993. Population genetics of Trypanosoma brucei in Central Africa: taxonomic and epidemiological significance. Parasitol., 106: 137-149.





70- Dei-Cas, E., Mazars, E., Ferragut, C.O., Durand, I., Aliouat, E.M., Dridba, M., Palluault, F., Cailliez, J.C., Seguy, N., Tibayrenc, M., Mullet, C., Creusy, C. & Camus, D. 1994. Ultrastructural, genomic, isoenzymatic and biological features make it possible to distinguish rabbit Pneumocystis from other mammal Pneumocystis strains. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 41 (5): S 84.


71- Mathieu-Daudé, F. & Tibayrenc, M. 1994. Isozyme variability ofTrypanosoma brucei s.l.:  genetical, taxonomical and epidemiological significance. Exp. Parasitol., 78: 1-19.


72- Mathieu-Daudé, F., Bicart-See, A., Bosseno, M.F., Brenière, S.F. & Tibayrenc, M. 1994. Identification of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense group I. by a specific kinetoplast DNA probe. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg.,  50(1): 13-19.


73- Mazars, E., Ödberg-Ferragut, C., Durand, I., Tibayrenc, M., Dei-Cas, E. & Camus, D. 1994. Genomic and isoenzymatic markers of Pneumocystis from different species. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 41 (5): S104.


74- Tibayrenc, M. 1994. Antigenic diversity and the transmission dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum: the clonality/sexuality debate revisited. Parasitol. Today, 10 (12): 456-457.





75- Dujardin, J.C., Bañuls, A.L., Llanos-Cuentas, A., Alvarez, E., DeDoncker, S., Jacquet, D., Le Ray, D., Arevalo, J. & Tibayrenc, M. 1995. Putative Leishmania hybrids in the Eastern Andean Valley of Huanuco, Peru. Acta Tropica , 59 (4): 293-307.


76- Dujardin, J.C., Bañuls, A.L., Victoir, K., De Doncker, S., Arevalo, J., Llanos-Cuentas, A., Tibayrenc, M. & Le Ray, D. 1995. From population to genome: ecogenetics of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and L. (V.) peruviana. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 89, suppl. 1: 45-53.


77- Dujardin, J.C., Dujardin, J.P., Tibayrenc, M., Timperman, G., De Doncker, S., Jacquet, D., Arevalo, J., Llanos-Cuentas, A., Guerra, H., Bermudez, H., Hamers, R. & Le Ray, D. 1995. Karyotype plasticity in Neotropical Leishmania: an index for measuring genomic distance among L. (V.) peruviana and L. (V.) braziliensis populations. Parasitology, 110: 21-30


78- Lewicka, K., Brenière, S.F., , Barnabé, C., Dédet, J.P. &  Tibayrenc, M. 1995. An isoenzyme survey of Trypanosoma cruzi genetic variability in sylvatic cycles from French Guiana. Exp. Parasitol.: 81: 20-28.


79- Mathieu-Daudé, F., Stevens, J., Welsh, J., Tibayrenc, M. & McClelland, M. 1995. Genetic diversity and population structure of Trypanosoma brucei: clonality versus sexuality. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol, 72: 89-101


80- Stevens, J.R. & Tibayrenc, M. 1995. Detection of linkage disequilibrium in Trypanosoma brucei isolated from tsetse flies and characterized by RAPD analysis and isoenzymes. Parasitology, 110: 181-186.


81- Tibayrenc, M. 1995. Population genetics and strain typing of microorganisms: how to detect departures from panmixia without individualizing alleles and loci. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris: 318: 135-139.


82- Tibayrenc, M. 1995. Population Genetics of Parasitic Protozoa and other Microorganisms. Advances in Parasitology (Eds. Baker, J.R., Muller, R. and Rollinson, D.): 36: 47-115.





83- Dujardin, J.P., Le Pont, F., Cruz, M., Leon, R., Tarrieu, F., Guderian, R., Echeverria, R. & Tibayrenc, M. 1996. Cryptic speciation in Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) trapidoi (Fairchild & Hertig) (Diptera: Psychodidae) detected by Multilocus Enzyme Electrophoresis. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg.:54: 42-45.


84- Pereira, J., Dujardin, J.P., Salvatella, R. & Tibayrenc, M. 1996. Enzymatic variability and phylogenetic relatedness among Triatoma infestans, T. platensis, T. delpontei and T. rubrovaria. Heredity 77: 47-54.


85- Solano, P., Dujardin, J.P., Schofield, C.J., Romañan C. & Tibayrenc, M. 1996. Isoenzymes as a tool for Rhodnius species identification. Res. Rev. Parasitol.56 (1): 41-47.


86- Stevens, J.R. & Tibayrenc, M. 1996.Trypanosoma brucei s.l.: evolution, linkage and the clonality debate. Parasitology 112: 481-488.


87- Tibayrenc, M. & Lal, A. 1996. Self-fertilization, linkage disequilibrium and strain in Plasmodium falciparum. Science, 271: 1300.


88- Tibayrenc, M. 1996. Towards a unified evolutionary genetics of microorganisms. Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 50: 401-429.





89- Bañuls, A.L., Guerrini, F., Le Pont, F., Barrera, C., Espinel, I., Guderian, R., Echeverria, R. & Tibayrenc, M. 1997. Evidence for hybridization by Multilocus Enzyme Electrophoresis and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA between Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania panamensis/guyanensis in Ecuador. J. Euk. Microbiol.44: 408-411.


90- Dujardin, J.P., Bermudez, H., Casini, C., Schofield, C.J. and Tibayrenc, M. 1997. Metric differences between silvatic and domestic Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) in Bolivia. Journal of Medical Entomology. Vol. 34, 5, 544-552.


91- Jiménez, M., Alvar, J. & Tibayrenc, M. 1997. Leishmania infantum is clonal in AIDS patients too; epidemiological implications. AIDS, 11 (5): 569-573.


92- Laurent, J.P., Barnabé, C., Quesney, V., Noël, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 1997. Impact of clonal evolution on the biological diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi. Parasitology, 114: 213-218.


93- Mazars, E., Guyot, K., Durand, I., Dei-Cas, E., Boucher, S., Ben Abderrazak, S., Bañuls, A.L., Tibayrenc, M. & Camus, D. 1997. Isoenzyme diversity in Pneumocystis carinii from rats, mice and rabbits. J. Infect. Dis., 175 (3): 655-660.


94- Müller, E., Gargani, D., Bañuls, A.L., Tibayrenc, M. & Dollet, M. 1997. Classification of plant trypanosomatids (Phytomonas spp.): parity between random-primer DNA typing and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Parasitology 115: 403-409.


95- Oury, B., Dutrait, N., Bastrenta, B. & Tibayrenc, M. 1997.Trypanosoma cruzi: use of a synapomorphic RAPD fragment as a species-specific DNA probe. J. Parasitol., 83 (1): 52-57.


96- Penchenier, L., Mathieu-Daudé, F., Brengues, C., Bañuls, A.L. & Tibayrenc, M. 1997. Population structure of Trypanosoma brucei s.l. in Côte d’Ivoire assayed by Multilocus Enzyme Electrophoresis. Epidemiological and taxonomical implications. J. Parasitol., 83 (1): 19-22.


97- Pujol, C., Joly, S., Lockhart, S.R., Noël, S., Tibayrenc, M. & Soll, D.R. 1997. Parity among the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA method, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, and southern blot hybridization with the moderately repetitive DNA probe Ca3 for fingerprinting Candida albicans. J. Clin. Microbiol. 35: 2348-2356.


98- Tibayrenc, M. 1997. Are Candida albicans natural populations subdivided? Trends in Microbiology 5: 253-254.




99- Brenière, S.F., Bosseno, M.F., Telleria, J., Bastrenta, B., Yacsik, N., Noireau, F., Alcazar, J.L., Barnabé, C., Wincker, P.. & Tibayrenc, M. 1998.  Different behavior of two Trypanosoma cruzi major clones: transmission and circulation in Bolivian young patients. Exp. Parasitol.89 (3): 285-296.


100- Brenière, S.F., Bosseno, M. F., Vargas, F., Yaksic, N., Noireau, F., Noël, S., Dujardin, J. P. & Tibayrenc, M. 1998. Smallness of the panmictic unit of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera:  Reduviidae). J. Med. Entomology, 35 (6): 911-917.


101- Brisse, S., Barnabé, C., Bañuls, A.L., Sidibé, I., Noël, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 1998. A phylogenetic analysis of the Trypanosoma cruzi genome project CL-Brener reference strain by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and multiprimer random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 92: 253-263.


102- Brisse, S., Barnabé, C. & Tibayrenc, M. 1998. Trypanosoma cruzi: How many relevant Phylogenetic Subdivisions are There? Parasitol. Today 14: 178-179.


103- De Lana, M., Pinto, A. Da S., Barnabé, C., Quesney, V., Noël, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 1998. Trypanosoma cruzi: compared vectorial transmissibility of 3 major clonal genotypes by Triatoma infestans. Exp. parasitology 90: 20-25.


104- Dujardin, J.C., Bañuls, A.L., Dujardin, J.P., Arevalo, J., Tibayrenc, M. &  Le Ray, D. 1998. Comparison of chromosomal and isoenzymatic variation  in eco-geographical populations of Leishmania (Viannia) peruviana. Parasitology, 117: 547-554


105- Dujardin J.P., Schofield, C.J. & Tibayrenc, M. 1998. Population structure of Andean Triatoma infestans: allozyme frequencies and their epidemiological relevance. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 12, 20-29.


106-  Pinto, A. da S., de Lana, M., Bastrenta, B., Barnabé, C., Quesney, V., Noël, S. &  Tibayrenc, M. 1998.  Compared vectorial transmissibility of pure and mixed clonal genotypes of Trypanosoma cruzi in Triatoma infestans. Parasitol. Res. 84: 348-353.


107- Qari, S., Shi, Y.P., Goldman, I., Nahlen, B., Tibayrenc, M. & Lal., A. 1998. Predicted and observed alleles of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1), a potential malaria vaccine antigen. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 92: 241-252.


108- Revollo, S., Oury, B., Laurent, J.P., Barnabé, C., Quesney, V., Carrière, V., Noël, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 1998. Trypanosoma cruzi: impact of clonal evolution of the parasite on its biological and medical properties. Exp. Parasitol. 89: 30-39.


109- Tibayrenc, M. 1998. Genetic epidemiology of parasitic protozoa and other infectious agents: the need for an integrated approach. Int. J. Parasitol. 28, 1: 85-104.   


110- Tibayrenc, M. 1998. Beyond Strain Typing and Molecular Epidemiology: Integrated Genetic Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases. Parasitol. Today 14: 323-329.


111- Tibayrenc, M. 1998. Integrated Genetic Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: the Chagas model. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 93 (5): 577-580.


112- Victoir, K., Bañuls, A.L., Arevalo, J., Llanos-Cuentas, A., Hamers, R., Noël, S., De Doncker, S., Le Ray, D., Tibayrenc, M. & Dujardin, J.C. 1998. The gp63 gene locus, a target for genetic characterization of Leishmania belonging to subgenus Viannia. Parasitology 117 (1): 1-13.





113- Bañuls, A.L., Brisse, S., Sidibé, I., Noël, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 1999. A phylogenetic analysis by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and multiprimer random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting of the Leishmania genome project Friedlin reference strain. Folia Parasitologica 46: 10-14.


114- Bañuls, A.L., Hide, M. & Tibayrenc, M. 1999. Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Leishmania parasites. Int. J. Parasitology 29 (8): 1137-1147.


115- Bañuls, A.L., Jonquières, R., Guerrini, F., Le Pont, F., Barrera, C Espinel, I., Guderian, R., Echeverria, R. & Tibayrenc, M. 1999. Genetic analysis of Leishmania parasites in Ecuador: are L. (viannia) panamensis and L. (v.) guyanensis distinct taxa? Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg.61 (5): 838-845.


116- Bastrenta, B., Bosseno, M.F., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M. & Brenière, S.F. 1999. Restriction fragment length polymorphism of 195bp repeated satellite DNA of Trypanosoma cruzi supports the existence of two phylogenetic groups. Mem. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 94 (3): 323-328.


117- Ben Abderrazak, S., Oury, B., Lal, A., Bosseno, M.F., Force-Barge, P., Dujardin, J.P., Fandeur, T., Molez, J.F., Kjellberg, F., Ayala F.J. & Tibayrenc, M. 1999. Plasmodium falciparum: population genetic analysis by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and other molecular markers. Exp. Parasitol. 92: 232-238.


118- Perez-Ramirez, L., Barnabé, C., Sartori, A.M.C., Ferreira, M.S., Tolezano, J.E., Nunes, E.V., Burgarelli, M.K., Silva, A.C., Shikanai-Yasuda, M.A., Lima, J.N., Da-Cruz, A.M., Oliveira, O.C., Guilherme, C., Bastrenta, B. & Tibayrenc, M. 1999. Clinical analysis and parasite genetic diversity in human immunodeficiency virus/Chagas’disease coinfections in Brazil. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 61: 198-206.


119- Tibayrenc, M. 1999. Towards an integrated genetic epidemiology of parasitic protozoa and other pathogens. Annual Review of Genetics  33: 449-477.


120- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 1999. Evolutionary Genetics of Trypanosoma and Leishmania. Microbes and Infection 1: 465-472.




121- Bañuls, A.L. , Dujardin, J.C., Guerrini, F., De Doncker, S., Jacquet, D., Arevalo, J., Noël, S., Le Ray, D. & Tibayrenc, M. 2000. Is Leishmania (Viannia) Peruviana a Distinct Species ? A MLEE/RAPD evolutionary genetics answer. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 47(3):197-207.


122- Barnabé, C., Brisse, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 2000. Population structure and genetic typing of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas’disease: a multilocus enzyme electrophoresis approach. Parasitology 150: 513-526.


123- Blanc, D.S., Bañuls, A.L., Hauser, P.M., Moreillon, P., Franiolo, P., Tibayrenc, M. and the Swiss MRSA Group. 2000. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: phylogenetic relatedness between European epidemic clones and Swiss sporadic strains. Microbial drug resistance 6 (3): 231-238.


124- Brisse, S., Barnabé, C. & Tibayrenc, M. 2000. Identification of six Trypanosoma cruzi phylogenetic lineages by random amplified polymorphic DNA and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Int. J. parasitol. 30: 35-44.


125- Brisse, S., Dujardin, J.C. & Tibayrenc, M. 2000. Identification of six Trypanosoma cruzi lineages by sequence-characterised amplified region markers. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 111: 95-105.


126- De Lana, M.,  Pinto, A., Bastrenta, B., Barnabé, C., Noël, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 2000. Trypanosoma cruzi: Infectivity of clonal genotypes infections in acute and chronic phases in mice. Exp. Parasitol. 96: 61-66.


127- Hilali, F., Ruimy, R., Saulnier, P., Barnabé, C., Lebouguénec, C., Tibayrenc, M. & Andremont, A. 2000. Prevalence of virulence genes and clonality in  Escherichia coli strains that cause bacteriemia in cancer patients. Infect. Immun.68 (7): 3983-3989.


128- Pinto A.S., de Lana, M., Britto, C., Bastrenta, M. & Tibayrenc, M. 2000. Experimental Trypanosoma cruzi biclonal infection in Triatoma infestans: Detection of distinct clonal genotypes using kinetoplast DNA probes. Int. J. Parasitol.30: 843-848.


129- Ruimy, R., Genauzeau, E., Barnabé, C., Beaulieu, A., Tibayrenc, M. &  Andremont , A. 2000. Genetic diversity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from ventilated patients with nosocomial pneumonia, cancer patients with bacteremia, and environmental water. Infect. Immun. 69 (1): 584-588.




130-  Bart, A., Barnabé, C., Achtman, M., Dankert, J., van der Ende A. & Tibayrenc, M.. 2001. The population structure of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A fits the predictions for clonality. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 1 (2): 117-122.


131- Barnabé, C., Neubauer, K., Solari, A. & Tibayrenc, M. 2001. Trypanosoma cruzi: presence of the two major phylogenetic lineages and of several lesser discrete typing units (DTUs) in Chile and Paraguay. Acta Tropica. 78: 127-137.


132-  Barnabé, C., Yaeger, R., Pung, O. & Tibayrenc, M. 2001. Considerable phylogenetic diversity indicates that Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas  disease, is indigenous to the native fauna of the USA. Exp. Parasitol. 99: 73-79.


133- Brisse, S., Verhoef, J. & Tibayrenc, M. 2001. Characterisation of large and small subunit rRNA and mini-exon genes further supports the distinction of six Trypanosoma cruzi lineages. Int. J. Parasitol. 31: 1218-1226.


134- Hide, M., Bañuls, A.L. & Tibayrenc, M. 2001. Genetic heterogeneity and phylogenetic status of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum zymodeme MON-1: epidemiological implications. Parasitology 123: 425-432.


135- Mazars, E., Lesjean, S., Bañuls, A.L., Gilbert, M., Vincent, V., Gicquel, B., Tibayrenc, M., Locht, C. & Supply, P. 2001. High-resolution VNTR typing as a portable approach to global analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis molecular epidemiology. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 98 (4): 1901-1906.


136- Tibayrenc, M. 2001. The relevance of evolutionary genetics for identification of Trichinella sp. and other pathogens at the strain, subspecies and species levels. Parasite 8: S21-S23.


137- Urdaneta, L. , Lal, A., Barnabé, C., Oury, B., Goldman, I., Ayala, F. J. & Tibayrenc, M. 2001. Evidence for clonal propagation in natural isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from Venezuela. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 98 (12): 625-6729.


138- Van Belkum, A., Struelens, M., de Visser, A., Verbrugh, H. & Tibayrenc, M. 2001. Role of genomic typing in taxonomy, evolutionary genetics and microbial epidemiology. Clin. Microbiol. Reviews 14 (3): 547-560.





139- Ajzenberg, D., Bañuls, A.L., Tibayrenc, M. & Dardé, M.L. 2002. Microsatellite analysis of Toxoplasma gondii shows considerable polymorphism structured into two main clonal groups. Int. J. Parasitol. 32: 27-38.


140- Bañuls, A.L., Hide, M. & Tibayrenc, M. 2002. Evolutionary genetics and molecular diagnosis of Leishmania species. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 96, supplement 1, S1/9-S1/13.


141-  Garzón, E. A., Barnabé, C., Córdova, X., Bowen, C., Paredes, W., Gómez, E., Ouaissi, A., Tibayrenc, M. & Guevara, A. G. 2002. Trypanosoma cruzi isoenzyme variability in Ecuador: first observation of zymodeme III genotypes in chronic chagasic patients. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 96 (4): 378-382.


142- Sánchez-Guillén, M.C., Barnabé, C., Guégan, J.F., Tibayrenc, M., Velasquez,-Rojas, M., Martínez-Munguía, J., Salgado-Rosas, H., Torres-Rasgado, E., Rosas-Ramírez, M.I. & Pérez-Fuentes, R. 2002. High prevalence anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies, among blood donors in the state of Puebla, a non-endemic area of Mexico. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 97: 947-952.


143- Tami, A., Grundmann, H., Sutherland, C., McBride, J.S., Cavanagh, D.R., Campos, E., Snounou, G., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M. & Warhurst, D.C. 2002. Restricted genetic and antigenic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum under mesoendemic transmission in the Venezuelan Amazon. Parasitology 124: 569-581.


144 Thomas Soccol, V., Barnabé, C., Castro, E., Luz, E. & Tibayrenc, M. 2002. Trypanosoma cruzi:  Isoenzyme Analysis Suggests the Presence of an Active Chagas Sylvatic Cycle of Recent Origin in Parána State, Brazil. Exp. Parasitol. 100: 81-86.


145- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2002. The clonal theory of parasitic protozoa: 12 years on. Trends Parasitol. 18 (9): 405-410.


146- Toledo, M. J. de O., de Lana, M., Carneiro, C.M., Bahia, M.T., Machado-Coelho, G.L.L., Veloso, V.M., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M. & Tafuri, W.L. 2002. Impact of Trypanosoma cruzi clonal evolution on its biological properties in mice. Exp. Parasitol.100: 161-172.





147- Barnabé, C., Brisse, S. & Tibayrenc, M. 2003. Phylogenetic diversity of bat trypanosomes of subgenus Schizotrypanum based on multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, random amplified polymorphic DNA, and cytochrome b nucleotide sequence analyses. Infection, Genetics and Evolution: 201-208.


148- Brenière, F., Barnabé, C., Bosseno, M.F. & Tibayrenc, M. 2003. Impact of Locus Number on the Robustness of Intraspecific Phylogenies using Multi Locus Enzyme Electrophoresis and the Bootstrap Analysis in Trypanosoma cruzi, the Agent of Chagas Disease. Parasitology 127:273-281.


149- Brisse, S., Henriksson, J.,  Barnabé, C., Douzery, E.J.P., Berkvens, D., Serrano, M., De Carvalho, M.R.C., Buck, G.A., Dujardin, J.C. & Tibayrenc, M. 2003. Evidence for genetic exchange and hybridization in Trypanosoma cruzi based on nucleotide sequences and molecular karyotype. Infection, Genetics and Evolution: 2 (3): 173-183.


150- Durand, P., Michalakis, Y., Cestier, S., Oury, B., Leclerc, M.C., Tibayrenc, M. & Renaud, F. 2003. Significant linkage disequilibrium and high genetic diversity in a population of Plasmodium falciparum from an area (Republic of the Congo) highly endemic for malaria. Am. J. Trop. Med. hyg. 68 (3): 345-349.


151- Diosque, P., Barnabé, C., Cardozo, R.M., Tibayrenc, M. & Basombrio, M. 2003. Multilocus enzyme electrophorsis (MLEE) analysis of Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from a geographically restricted endemic area for Chagas disease in Argentina. Exp. Parasitol. 33 (10): 997-1003.


152- Henriksson, J., Dujardin, J.C., Barnabé, C., Brisse, S., Timperman, G., Venegas, J., Pettersson, U., Tibayrenc, M. & Solari, A. 2003. Chromosomal size variation in Trypanosoma cruzi is mainly progressive and is evolutionary informative. Parasitology,124 :277-286.


153- Supply, P.,  Warren, R.M., Bañuls, A.L., Lesjean, S., van der Spuy, G.D., Lewis; L.A., Tibayrenc, M., van Helden, P.D. & Locht, C. 2003. Linkage disequilibrium between minisatellite loci supports clonal evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a high tuberculosis incidence area. Molecular Microbiology: 47(2):529-38.


154-  Tibayrenc, M. 2003. Genetic subdivisions within Trypanosoma cruzi (Discrete Typing Units) and their relevance for molecular epidemiology and experimental evolution. Kinetoplastid Biol Dis. 2 (1): 12.-18.


155- Toledo, M.J. de O., Bahia, M.T., Carneiro, C.M., Martins-Filho, O.A., Tibayrenc, M., Barnabé, C., Tafuri, W.L. &  de Lana, M.  2003. Chemotherapy with benznidazole and itraconazole for mice infected with different Trypanosoma cruzi clonal genotypes. Advances in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 47 (1): 223-230.




156- Barnabé, C. & Tibayrenc, M. 2004. Trypanosoma cruzi: long-term sub-cultures in two different culture media do not confirm the existence of highly versatile multilocus genotypes. Int. J. Parasitol. 34: 779-784.


157- Desjeux, P., Boelaert, M., Sundar, S. Croft, S., Stuart, K., Tibayrenc, M., McMahon Pratt, D., Maroli, M., Reed, S., Dessein, A., Blackwell, J., Alvar, J., Davies, C., Saravia, N., Menne, B., & El Hassan, A.M. 2004. Leishmaniasis. Nature Reviews Microbiology 2 (9): 692-693.


158- Njiokou F., Nkinin, S.W., Grébaut, P., Penchenier, L., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M.& Herder, S. 2004. An isoenzyme survey of Trypanosoma brucei s.l. stocks from the Central African sub-region : population structure, taxonomic and epidemiological considerations. Parasitology 128: 645-653.


159- Oury, B., Jamonneau, V., Tibayrenc, M. & Truc, P. 2004. Characterization of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense stocks isolated from humans by RAPD fingerprinting in Côte d’Ivoire: another evidence for multiple infections. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 3 (1): 94-98.


160- Tazi, L., El Baghdadi,J.,  Lesjean,S., Locht,C.,  Supply, P.,  Tibayrenc,M. &  Bañuls, A.L. 2004. Genetic diversity and population structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Casablanca, a high tuberculosis incidence Moroccan city. J. Clin. Microbiol. 42 (1): 461-466.


161- Telleria, J., Barnabé, C., Hide, M., Bañuls, A.L. & Tibayrenc, M. 2004. Predominant clonal evolution leads to a close parity between gene expression profiles and subspecific phylogeny in Trypanosoma cruzi. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 137 (1): 133-141.


162- Tibayrenc, M. 2004. A molecular biology approach to tuberculosis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 10: 1073.


163- Toledo, M.J.O., Tafuri, W.L., Bahia, M.T., Tibayrenc, M. & Lana, M. 2004. Genetic diversity and drug resistance in Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. Advances in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 4: 11-22.


164- Villarreal, D., Barnabé, C., Sereno, D., Tibayrenc, M. 2004. Lack of correlation between in vitro susceptibility to Benznidazole and phylogenetic diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. Exp. Parasitol. 108: 24-31.





165- Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M. & Marcondes, C.B. 2005. Genetic characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi natural clones from the state of Paraiba, Brazil.Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 100(3): 273-275.


166- Gauthier, C. & Tibayrenc, M. 2005. Population structure of malaria parasites: the driving epidemiological forces. Acta Tropica 94: 241-250.


167- Tibayrenc, M. 2005. Bridging up the gap between molecular epidemiologists and evolutionists. Trends Microbiol.13: 575-580.


168- Villarreal, D., Nirdé, P., Hide, M., Barnabé, C., & Tibayrenc, M. 2005. Differential gene expression in benznidazole-resistant Trypanosoma cruzi parasites. Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy  49: 2701-2709.




169- Broutin, H., Tarrieu, F., Tibayrenc, M., Oury, B. & Barnabé, C. 2006. Phylogenetic analysis of the glucose-6-phosphate isomerase gene in Trypanosoma cruzi. Exp. Parasitol. 113: 1-7.


170- Sanchez-Guillen, M.C., Barnabé, C, Tibayrenc, M., Zavala-Castro, J., Totolhua, J.L., Mendez-Lopez, J., Gonzalez-Mejia, M.E., Torres-Rasgado, E., Lopez-Colombo, A. & Perez-Fuentes, R. 2006. Trypanosoma cruzi strains isolated from human, vector, and animal reservoir in the same endemic region in Mexico and typed as T. cruzi I, discrete typing unit 1 exhibit considerable biological diversity. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 101:585-590.


171- Telleria, J., Lafay B., Virreira, M., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M. & Svoboda, M. 2006. Sequence analysis of the variable region of kinetoplastic minicircles in Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. Exp. Parasitol.: 114: 279-288.


172- Tibayrenc, M. 2006. The species concept in parasites and other pathogens: a pragmatic approach? Trends Parasitol. 22: 66-70.





173- Dujardin, J.C., De Doncker, S., Jacquet, D., Bañuls, A.L., Balavoine, M., Van Bockstaele, D., Tibayrenc, M., Arevalo, J. & Le Ray. D. 2007. Clonal propagation and the fast generation of karyotype diversity: An in vitro Leishmania model. Parasitology 134: 133-139.


174- Rozas, M., De Doncker, S.,  Adaui, V., Coronado, X., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M., Solari, A. & Dujardin, J.C. 2007. Multi-locus PCR-RFLP genotyping of Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas disease): taxonomic and clinical applications J. Infect. Dis. 195: 1381-1388.


175- Tibayrenc, M. 2007. Human genetic diversity and epidemiology of parasitic and other transmissible diseases. Adv. Parasitol. 64: 378-428.




176- Roellig, D.M.,  Brown, E.L.,  Barnabé, C. Tibayrenc, M., Steurer, F.J.  & Yabsley, M.J. 2008. Molecular Typing of Trypanosoma cruzi Isolates, United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases 14: 1123-1125.


177- Rozas, M., De Doncker, S., Coronado, X., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M., Solari, A., Dujardin, J.C. 2008. Evolutionary history of Trypanosoma cruzi according to antigen genes. Parasitology 135: 1157-1164.





178- Dib, J., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M. & Triana, O. 2009. Incrimination of Eratyrus cuspidatus (Stal) in the transmission of Chagas' disease by molecular epidemiology analysis of Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from a geographically restricted area in the north of Colombia. Acta Tropica 111 (3): 237-242.


179- Subileau, M., Barnabé, C., Douzery, E., Diosque, P. & Tibayrenc, M. 2009. Trypanosoma cruzi: New insights on ecophylogeny and hybridization by Multigene sequencing of three nuclear and one maxicircle genes. Exp. Parasitol.122: 328-337..


180- Zingales, B., Andrade, S.G., Briones, M.R.S., Campbell, D.A., Chiari, E., Fernandes, O., Guhl, F., Lages-Silva, E., Macedo, A.M., Machado, C.R., Miles, M.A., Romanha, A., Sturm, N.R.,Tibayrenc, M. & Schijman, A.G. 2009. A new consensus for Trypanosoma cruzi intraspecific nomenclature: second revision meeting recommends TcI to TcVI. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro 104 (7): 1051-1054.





181- Telleria J., Biron, D.G.., Brizard, J.P.., Demettre, E., Seveno, M., Barnabé, C., Ayala, F.J. & Tibayrenc M. 2010. Phylogenetic Character Mapping of proteomic diversity shows high correlation with subspecific phylogenetic diversity in Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 107: 20411-20416.




182- Tomasini, N., Lauthier, J.J., Monje Rumi, M.M., Ragone, P.G.,Alberti D’Amato, A.A., Pérez Brandan, C., Cura, C.I., Schijman, A.G., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M., Basombrío, M.A., Falla, A., Herrera, C., Guhl, F. & Diosque, P.. 2011. Interest and limitations of Spliced Leader Intergenic Region sequences for analyzing Trypanosoma cruzi I phylogenetic diversity in the Argentinean Chaco. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 11: 300-307.




183- Brenière, , S.F., Aliaga, C.; Waleckx, E., Buitrago, R., Salas, R., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M. & Noireau, F. 2012. Genetic Characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi DTUs in Wild Triatoma infestans from Bolivia: Predominance of TcI. Plos Neglect. Trop. Dis. 6: 1-7.


184- Lauthier, J.J., Tomasini, N., Barnabé, C.Monje Rumi, M.M., Alberti D'Amato, A.M., Ragone, P.G., Yeo, M., Lewis, M.D., Llewellyn, M.S., Basombrío, M.A., Miles, M.A., Tibayrenc, M. & Diosque, P. 2012. Candidate targets for Multilocus Sequence Typing of Trypanosoma cruzi: validation using parasite stocks from the Chaco Region and a set of reference strains. Infect. Genet. Evol. 12: 350-358.


185- Tibayrenc, M. and Ayala, F.J. 2012. Reproductive clonality of pathogens: A perspective on pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasitic protozoa. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 109 (48): E3305-E3313.


186- Zingales, B., Miles, M.A., Campbell, D., Tibayrenc, M., Macedo, A.M., Teixeira, M.M., Schijman, A., Llewellyn, M.S., Lages-Silva, E., Machado, C.R., Andrade, S.G. & Sturm, N.R.. 2012. The revised Trypanosoma cruzi subspecific nomenclature: rationale, epidemiological relevance and research applications. Infect. Genet. Evol. 12: 240-253.




187- Roellig, D.M., Savage, M.Y., Fujita, A.W., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M., Steurer, F.J. & Yabsley, M.J. 2013. Genetic variation and exchange in Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from the United States. Plos One 8(2): e56198. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056198.


188- Telleria, J., Barnabé, C., Ayala, F.J. & Tibayrenc, M. 2013. Phylogenetic character mapping of RADES Probing, a new marker for exploring the clonal evolution of expressed coding sequences in Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease. Infect. Genet. Evol. 19: 287-291.


189- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2013. How clonal are Trypanosoma and Leishmania? Trends Parasitol. 29 : 264-269




190- Arnaud-Haond, S., Moalic, Y., Barnabé, C., Ayala, F.J. & Tibayrenc, M. 2014. Discriminating micropathogen lineages and their reticulate evolution through graph theory-based network analysis: the case of Trypanosoma cruzi,  the agent of Chagas disease. Plos One 9(8): e103213. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103213.


191- Diosque, P., Tomasini, N., Lauthier, J.J., Messenger, L.A., Rumi, M.M., Ragone, P.G., Alberti-D'Amato, A.M., Pérez Brandán, C., Barnabé, C., Tibayrenc, M., Lewis, M.D., Miles, M.A., Llewellyn, M.S. & Yeo, M. 2014. An Optimized Multilocus Sequence Typing Scheme (MLST) for Trypanosoma cruzi. Plos Neglect. Trop. Dis. 8(8): e3117. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003117.


192- Machin, A., Telleria, J., Brizard, J.P., Demettre, E., Séveno, M., Ayala, F.J. & Tibayrenc, M. 2014. Trypanosoma cruzi : Gene expression surveyed by proteomic analysis reveals interaction between different genotypes in mixed in vitro cultures. Plos One 9 (4), p. e95442. ISSN 1932-6203.


193- Soubeyrand, B., Greenberg,, M., Tibayrenc, M., Louis, J., Dutel, C., Simondon, F. & Saadatian-Elahi, M.. 2014. Vaccination: An evolutionary engine for pathogens? Conference report. Infect. Genet. Evol. 27 : 137-141.



194- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2014. New insights into Clonality and Panmixia in Plasmodium and Toxoplasma. Adv. Parasitol. 84: 253-268.


195- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2014. Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Cryptococcus, Pneumocystis genetic variability: cryptic biological species or clonal near-clades? Plos Pathogens 10(4): e1003908. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat. 1003908


196- Tomasini, N., Lauthier, J.J., Ayala, F.J., Tibayrenc, M. & Diosque, P. 2014. How often do they have sex? A comparative analysis of the population structure of several eukaryotic microbial pathogens with available multilocus sequence data. Plos One 9(7): e103131. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103131




197- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2015. Response to Rougeron et al.: Leishmania population genetics: clonality, selfing and aneuploidy.Trends Parasitol.: 31: 279-280.


198- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2015. How clonal are Neisseria species? The epidemic clonality model revisited. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA : 112 : 8909-8913.


199- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2015. The population genetics of Trypanosoma cruzi revisited in the light of the predominant clonal evolution model. Acta Tropica  151 : 156-165.


200- Tibayrenc, M., Avise, J. & Ayala, F.J. 2015 : In the Light of Evolution IX. Clonal Reproduction: Alternatives to Sex. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA  112 : 8824-8826.


201- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2015. Reproductive clonality in protozoan pathogens—truth or artifact? A reply. Molec. Ecol. 24 : 5778-5781.




202- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2017. Is predominant clonal evolution a common evolutionary adaptation to parasitisms in parasitic protozoa, fungi, bacteria and viruses? Adv. Parasitol. 96: 243-325


203- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2017. Relevant units of analysis for applied and basic research dealing with neglected transmissible diseases: The predominant clonal evolution model of pathogenic microorganisms. Plos Neglect. Trop. Dis. 11(4): e0005293.  


204- Villacis, A.G., Marcet, P.L, Yumiseva, C.A. Dotson, E.M., Tibayrenc, M. Brenière, S.F. & Grijalva, M.J. 2017. Pioneer study of population genetics of Rhodnius ecuadoriensis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from the central coast and southern Andean regions of Ecuador. Infect. Genet. Evol. : http://doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2017.05.019




205- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2018. A misleading description of the predominant clonal evolution model in Trypanosoma cruzi. Acta tropica 187 : 13-14.


206- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2018. Hybridization in Trypanosoma congolense does not challenge the predominant clonal evolution model.  A comment on Tihon et al., 2017. Mol. Ecol. 27: 3421-3424.




207- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2019. How clonal is Trypanosoma congolense ? A necessary clarification of the predominant clonal evolution model. Acta tropica 190 : 28-29.


208- Tibayrenc, M. 2019. Science and politics should be mutually sanctuarized. Am. J.  Human Genet. 104: 774-775.


209- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2019. Are the multiple Trypanosoma cruzi infections in Louisiana rodents caused by independent genetic clones? J. Microbiol., Immunol. & Infection


210- Revollo, S., Oury, B., Vela, A., Tibayrenc, M. & Sereno, D. 2019. In vitro benznidazole and nifurtimox susceptibility profile of Trypanosoma cruzi strains belonging to discrete typing units TcI, TcII and TcV. Pathogens 8, 197; doi:10.3390/pathogens8040197




211- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2020. Genomics and high-resolution typing confirm predominant clonal evolution down to a microevolutionary scale in Trypanosoma cruzi. Pathogens 2020, 9, 356; doi:10.3390/pathogens9050356


212- Tibayrenc, M. 2020. COVID-19 and the project of "European Center for Disease Control"(ECDC). Infect. Genet. Evol.: 104604.


213- Tibayrenc, M. 2020. Models in parasite and pathogen evolution: Genomic analysis reveals predominant clonality and progressive evolution at all evolutionary scales in parasitic protozoa, yeasts and bacteria. Adv. Parasitol.: on line.




214- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2021. Models in parasite and pathogen evolution: Genomic analysis reveals predominant clonality and progressive evolution at all evolutionary scales in parasitic protozoa, yeasts and bacteria. Adv. Parasitol. 111: 75-117.


215- Tibayrenc, M. & Ayala, F.J. 2021. Leishmania and the Model of Predominant Clonal Evolution. Microorganisms 9: 2409.



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